Like many kinds of insurance companies, those who provide auto Insurance are worried in regards to the problem of insurance fraud. Both drivers as well as insurance providers were known to be culprits in scams of this sort. The aim of course is to steal as much insurance money out of the auto insurance companies as possible.
And because of this, auto insurance companies have devised terms for various kinds of car Insurance fraud.
T-Bone Car Insurance Fraud - This sort of vehicle Insurance con will require quite a lot of forward plannin as well as some false witnesses. It’s basically intentional road accidents, particularly at an intersection. When the authorities arrive at the scene, the fake witnesses will start playing their part and tell the police about how the victim of the scam was the one who was driving badly.
Shady Helper - This kind of vehicle Insurance fraudrequires a real traffic accident. And afterwards, a complete stranger will go to the victim of the crime to advice him on which physician to consult or which mechanic to get repairs. The recommended physicians and mechanics are - as you may guess - in on the whole thing. They will falsify the victim’s claim so as to get some cash out of the victim’s car insurance company.
Total Vehicle Destination Car Insurance Fraud - This kind of car Insurance fraud works by creating false information with regards to the level of collision damage to his vehicle or property so as to recieve more money from his vehicle insurance policy.
Phantom Vehicles - In this type of car Insurance fraud, a person makes fakepaperwork and registration information for a vehicle that doesn’t exist. After a particular period of time has passed, the scammer will then make a claim that the car has been been lost due to car theft. And as you might guess, this type of car Insurance crime applies only on those policies that offer coverage for automobile theft.
Swoop and Squat Car Insurance Fraud - This particular type of con involves precipitating an real accident with an innocent party. The whole scam involves the perpetrator maneuvering car straight ahead of the unwitting victim’s automobile while the accomplice creates a a problem wherein the innocent victim is forced to make a sudden stop, which consequently results in a car collision. The culprit as well as his team will then file personal injuries and car damage claims on innocent victim’s car insurers.
After getting a vehicle, insuring it with dump truck insurance is very essential.